Anyone who lives for a hundred years, even nowadays, can be considered a wonder. This, however, can hardly be explained in terms of commonly accepted philosophies of life because it is unique and spezial, just like the people in this collection of photos. Most of these people were born between 1903 and 1906, during the time of the Danube Monarchy. They lived through two world wars and the development of technology, together with its rapid acceleration of the speed of life. But eventually 100 years of life slows time down again and freed from any materialistic thought, the people talk about their lives.

Vielleicht bin ich ja ein Wunder – Gespräche mit 100jährigen (Residenz Verlag 2006)
Text: Christine Haiden; Hardcover, 21 x 23,5 cm, 152 Seiten, 78 Fotos